
Showing posts from May, 2021

We The Explorers!(Part-2)

Namaste Readers!! Welcome back to my blog. How are you all? I hope you all are fine. So as I posted a story and here is its 2nd part. So as we opened Map  we all found that it showed the way to Microa Island that Rabbit told us about!!!🤩.For about a minute or 2 there was pin drop silence. We all were lost in our thoughts. But now our first impulse was to find that golden key that rabbit told us about for opening the door of castle🏰.We thought we will take coins later. We checked the map carefully.  This was our map : So to find the key we have to get out of that dark golden cave.After walking a while we came back to that diverging point where 2 caves one golden and one azure were dividing. As we came there, they got vanished😱and there came a hole from where a beam of amethyst light was coming and map was showing us to go there.We had no other option. One by one we all got out of the hole as it was small. After coming from that hole we took a deep breathe (phoooooo) as there we